Fifty States American Vodka 750 ML


    Fifty States


    Chelsea, Michigan, United States

  • AGING:


Fifty States Vodka is an extraordinary all-American spirit that promises a taste like no other. Our meticulous craftsmanship pays homage to the core values that define America, bringing you an unparalleled experience with each sip.

It all starts with handpicked, locally sourced sweet corn, meticulously harvested for its exceptional quality. Through a six-step distillation process in Chelsea, Michigan, we transform this precious ingredient into an exquisitely refined and delicate vodka that embodies the essence of our nation. Join us on a journey of exceptional taste and true American pride with every bottle of Fifty States Vodka.

Embodying diversity and inclusivity, the company’s motto “United We Drink” celebrates the spirit of patriotism and the symbol of unity that defines the brand. Because if there is one thing, we can all unite on, it is great taste, exceptional vodka, and unforgettable moments.

40% ABV / 80 Proof

750 ML

"Embodying diversity and inclusivity, the company’s motto “United We Drink” celebrates the spirit of patriotism and the symbol of unity that defines the brand."
- The Distillers
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Product Details

Fifty States Vodka is an extraordinary all-American spirit that promises a taste like no other. Our meticulous craftsmanship pays homage to the core values that define America, bringing you an unparalleled experience with each sip.

It all starts with handpicked, locally sourced sweet corn, meticulously harvested for its exceptional quality. Through a six-step distillation process in Chelsea, Michigan, we transform this precious ingredient into an exquisitely refined and delicate vodka that embodies the essence of our nation. Join us on a journey of exceptional taste and true American pride with every bottle of Fifty States Vodka.

Hailing from Chelsea, Michigan, Fifty States Vodka sources its 100% organic, non-GMO sweet corn locally, supporting communities across the United States. From its ingredients to its distillery and production, everything about this exceptional vodka is made right here in the USA.

Embodying diversity and inclusivity, the company’s motto “United We Drink” celebrates the spirit of patriotism and the symbol of unity that defines the brand.

Because if there is one thing, we can all unite on, it is great taste, exceptional vodka, and unforgettable moments.

40% ABV / 80 Proof

750 ML

About the Producer

Fifty States

Crafted in Chelsea, Michigan, Fifty States is an organic vodka company dedicated to excellence in distillation, setting the bar high within the industry. By utilizing the finest organic ingredients and pure water from local springs, Fifty States’ copper kettle ensures the production of the highest quality vodka that stands unrivaled.

In 2014, Tom Liberati embarked on a journey to create an exceptional American vodka that would proudly represent the values of the United States. It all began during a conversation with a friend at a bar, where they discussed brands of vodka made in America. Disheartened by the limited options available, Tom started researching American liquor brands but found none that truly captured the essence of our beautiful country.

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