Centenario 30 Years Limited Edition Premium Rum


    Centenario Internacional S.A.


    Meseta Central, Costa Rica

  • AGING:

    30 Years

Ron Centenario 30 is a luxurious blend that perfects its fruity aroma and woody essence through years of aging. Pull the broad gold cap and hear a natural cork pop with excitement, releasing a bouquet of sweet brown sugar and aged oaken vanilla. The floral sweet bouquet makes an impressive introduction, the rum’s appearance in my tasting glass – a dark walnut brown color and tremendous number of beads forming at the top of the swirl smear– enhances its image.

The drops soon combine to form slowly dripping thin legs, but a few never return to the rum in the bowl, leaving more rum exposed for aromatic indulgence. With a healthy sniff, more dense aromas of vanilla, oak, nutmeg, toffee, milk chocolate caramel and oily nuts appear, then come lesser notes of buttery flour pastry.

40% ABV / 80 Proof

750 ML

"With a great body and bouquet, this limited edition is exclusive for lovers of excellence."
- The distillers
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Tasting Notes:

Pull the broad gold cap and hear a natural cork pop with excitement, releasing a bouquet of sweet brown sugar and aged oaken vanilla. The floral sweet bouquet makes an impressive introduction, the rum’s appearance in my tasting glass – a dark walnut brown color and tremendous number of beads forming at the top of the swirl smear– enhances its image.

The drops soon combine to form slowly dripping thin legs, but a few never return to the rum in the bowl, leaving more rum exposed for aromatic indulgence. With a healthy sniff, more dense aromas of vanilla, oak, nutmeg, toffee, milk chocolate caramel and oily nuts appear, then come lesser notes of buttery flour pastry.

Upon first sipping. the rum strikes your tongue as creamy and incredibly smooth, palate coating, tasting as if it has achieved full maturity. No doubt the sugar adds a significant mass to the body and the lingering, toffee-like finish. Ron Centenario 30 Años produces an overall tasting effect that is harmonious, integrated and delectable.

About the Producer

Ron Centenario is an award-winning and time-honored expression of Costa Rica: its history, its beauty, and its rich Spanish-style rum tradition. Proud to be independently owned and operated, Ron Centenario produces some of the world’s most compelling solera system rums. The rum is painstakingly blended by their Master Blender, slowly matured in traditional soleras, and carefully bottled in the high-altitude climate of Costa Rica's Meseta Central.

Ron Centenario has been recognized by the most renowned experts around the world. Its quality, awarded with more than 62 international awards, including "Rum of The Year 2016" awarded by the prestigious Madrid International Rum Congress, consolidates us as the Rum of Costa Rica for its exceptional flavor.

The company producing Ron Centenario 20-Year rum used to be named Seagram de Costa Rica, but in 2002 changed its name to Centenario Internacional. The rum wasn't sold outside of Costa Rica until 2007.

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